The Rapture
The Second Coming of Christ and the Rapture of all Believers happens AFTER the Great Tribulation and BEFORE the Wrath of God (= Post-Trib-Rapture before the Wrath).
Basic Argument: Shaking of the Universe
Shortly before Christ's return, the sun and the moon will be darkened and stars fall from the sky (Mat 24 and Rev 6). ONLY AFTER THIS comes the wrath of God.
Tribulation = Wrath?
The tribulation of the saints by the Antichrist will end at the return of Christ. God's retribution comes only afterwards and not at the same time.
Two Resurrections?
Jesus speaks only of ONE resurrection on the last day, Paul only of ONE resurrection at the coming of Christ, the Book of Revelation only of the FIRST resurrection.
As the days of Noah were: They did not realize
How can it be that shortly before the return of Christ people live carefree, although they are hit by the heaviest judgements of God?
I will keep you from the Hour of Trial
The expression "keep from" is also used in John 17:15 and cannot mean "take away from" because Jesus is NOT asking to be taken away from the world.
The Church is not mentioned from Revelation 4 to 18?
The church is also not mentioned in 7 epistles of the NT and in 4 others only in 1 chapter. The Book of Revelation is written to the church, not to Israel.
Gospel of Matthew only for Jews?
Many teachings in the Gospel of Matthew are unique and do not occur elsewhere in the Bible. And these are supposed to be only for Israel?
The Apostles expected the Rapture at any moment?
The apostles Peter and Paul knew that certain events were about to happen in their lives and therefore the rapture cannot happen at any time.
Waiting for the Lord = Rapture at any moment?
According to 2 Peter 3:13, every Christian expects a new heaven and a new earth, but no one would claim that these can come at any time.
The Early Church Fathers believed in Pretribulationism?
The Church Fathers did not believe in a rapture before the tribulation: Didache, Epistle of Barnabas, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Hippolytus, Cyprian, Victorinus, etc.
Saved from the coming Wrath. And from the Tribulation?
The church is saved from the coming wrath - but not from the great tribulation (of the saints). Wrath and tribulation are not the same thing.
Great end-time revival?
The Bible speaks of apostasy and not revival. The great crowd from the great tribulation (Rev 7) therefore converted before the Rapture.
The Holy Spirit is the restrainer?
The Holy Spirit will not be taken away from the earth 7 years before the Second Coming because he is in the believers from the great tribulation (Rom 8:9-11 and Rev 7).
Antichrist revealed only after the Rapture?
According to 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3, the Rapture can only take place when the Antichrist is revealed. The Rapture has preconditions.
Time gap between the Rapture and the Day of the Lord?
There is no time gap between the Rapture and the Day of the Lord, for how could Paul have forgotten to mention the Rapture?
Bible verses changed since Darby
Since Darby's translation of the Bible, 2 Thess 2:2 has been translated differently. With the translations before Darby, the doctrine of Pre-Tribulation Rapture is hardly justifiable.
As that the Day of the Lord has come - or is at hand?
2 Thess 2:2 is also translated as "as if the day of the Lord is imminent" - with consequences: The Antichrist comes before the Rapture.
The Antichrist sits in the Third Temple?
There is no biblical passage in the New Testament about a future temple on earth before the return of Christ.
Abomination of desolation in the Third Temple?
The abomination of desolation concerns the second temple and not a third, as a careful comparison of Jesus' end-time discourse (Olivet Discourse) in the Gospels shows.
Idol of the Antichrist in the Third Temple?
It is not about an idol of the Antichrist in the temple in Jerusalem, but about an image that all the inhabitants of the earth will make (Revelation 13).
Reconstruction of the temple?
The Lord never said that the temple in Jerusalem would be rebuilt, but that it would be left desolate. Daniel also says that there will be desolation until the end.
The 70 Weeks of Daniel
The 70 weeks of Daniel are continuous without interruption; every verse of the prophecy of Dan 9:24-27 is about Christ, not one is about the Antichrist.