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Timeline from the tabernacle until the destruction of the second temple

Bible only
(approximate year figures)
Event Ptolemaic

year figures)

1533 BC

Exodus from Egypt under Moses,

shortly afterwards building of the tabernacle (portable temple) in the desert

from 1533 BC


40 years of wandering in the desert

from 1493 BC


Conquest of Canaan (7 years) and oppression (13 years)

from 1473 BC


Time of the judges up to and including Samuel

from 1023 BC


King Saul

from 983 BC


King David

from 943 BC


King Solomon

from 940 BC


First temple built under Solomon

903 BC

Division of the kingdom after Solomon's death:

- Northern Kingdom of Israel (10 tribes) under Jeroboam

- Southern Kingdom of Judah (2 tribes) under Rehoboam

640 BC

End of the Northern Kingdom of Israel (10 tribes): Conquest by Assyrians and deportation

526 BC

First of several deportations of the Jews (Southern Kingdom) to Babylonia.

Beginning of 70 years Babylonian Exile

605 BC

507 BC

First temple destroyed by Nebudchadnezzar

586 BC

457 BC

Decree of King Cyrus of Persia for the construction of the second temple and the return of the Jews

538 BC

from 456 BC

Second temple built under Zerubbabel (returnee from Babylon)

---- Extra-biblical data ----

457-164 BC

Judea is ruled successively by Persia, Greece, Egypt and Syria (Seleucids)

167-164 BC

Second temple desecrated by Syrian king Antiochus Epiphanes, sacrificial service stopped

164 BC

Liberation of Jerusalem and rededication of the second temple by law-abiding Jews called Maccabees or Hasmoneans

 63 BC

Pompeius (Roman general) conquers Jerusalem

   5 BC

Birth of Jesus

 26 AD

Baptism of Jesus

 30 AD

Crucifixion of Jesus, curtain of the second temple torn in two

 66 AD

Beginning of the Jewish war (revolt) against the Romans

 … AD

Flight of the Christians from Jerusalem and Judea to Pella (in Jordan)

 70 AD

Fall of Jerusalem and destruction of the second temple by the Roman army under Titus

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